尊敬的xxx: 衷心感谢你们的慷慨解囊和无私帮助。我的女儿——xx在她花样年华的时节不幸地被病魔摧残;但同时她又是幸运的,因为有县委县政府与社会各级爱心人士用最博大的爱心在伴她同行。我的女儿,普普通通的一个少女,出生在我们这样的农村家...
给你个范本,作参考 尊敬的川北医学院的领导老师同学及所有爱心人士: 你们好! 2003级09班的罗金蓉同学的父亲不幸因患重症(肝癌)入住我校附院。 给罗金蓉同学本来就不宽裕的家庭带来了沉痛的打击。 学校在得知该情况后,发动九班同学及党支部...
Dear XXX,(道歉并感谢) Thank you for inviting me to your house for a dinner. I'm really appricate for that and would like to go. But I have a date on that day. So I'm sorry that I can join you. Thanks again for your hospitable i...
你要英文还是中文 亲爱的老师同学们: 你们好! 衷心感谢你们的慷慨解囊和无私帮助。我校xx同学是不幸的,他才七岁,病魔就缠上了他;但他又是幸运的,因为有全县的师生最纯洁的爱心在伴他同行。xx的父母双双下岗,在被查出患上白血病,急需骨髓...
dear Mr. .... I really appreciate your outstanding teaching in the last half year,during which I benefited from your tutoring a lot and learnt those helpful and illuminating knowledge. I have loved English since childhood,and a...
感谢信 某某公司: 第一段,写明受捐人的基本情况 第二段,多写些感谢的话。 第三段,祝福语,祝公司生意怎么怎么啦等等。 受赠人 日期: 年 月 日
感谢信 某某公司的员工: 第一段,写明受捐人的基本情况。 第二段,多写些感谢的话。 第三段,祝福语,祝同志们怎么怎么啦等等。 受赠人 日期: 年 月 日
Dear xxx, How are you? Thank you for your hospitality when I was on business to XXX, which is a beautiful country. We enjoyed a real happy time there. Words can not express my feeling towards those days. As the new year is comi...
给你个范本,作参考 尊敬的川北医学院的领导老师同学及所有爱心人士: 你们好! 2003级09班的罗金蓉同学的父亲不幸因患重症(肝癌)入住我校附院。 给罗金蓉同学本来就不宽裕的家庭带来了沉痛的打击。 学校在得知该情况后,发动九班同学及党支部...
Dear XXX,(道歉并感谢) Thank you for inviting me to your house for a dinner. I'm really appricate for that and would like to go. But I have a date on that day. So I'm sorry that I can join you. Thanks again for your hospitable i...
你要英文还是中文 亲爱的老师同学们: 你们好! 衷心感谢你们的慷慨解囊和无私帮助。我校xx同学是不幸的,他才七岁,病魔就缠上了他;但他又是幸运的,因为有全县的师生最纯洁的爱心在伴他同行。xx的父母双双下岗,在被查出患上白血病,急需骨髓...
dear Mr. .... I really appreciate your outstanding teaching in the last half year,during which I benefited from your tutoring a lot and learnt those helpful and illuminating knowledge. I have loved English since childhood,and a...
感谢信 某某公司: 第一段,写明受捐人的基本情况 第二段,多写些感谢的话。 第三段,祝福语,祝公司生意怎么怎么啦等等。 受赠人 日期: 年 月 日
感谢信 某某公司的员工: 第一段,写明受捐人的基本情况。 第二段,多写些感谢的话。 第三段,祝福语,祝同志们怎么怎么啦等等。 受赠人 日期: 年 月 日
Dear xxx, How are you? Thank you for your hospitality when I was on business to XXX, which is a beautiful country. We enjoyed a real happy time there. Words can not express my feeling towards those days. As the new year is comi...